Nightmare on Elm Street Costumes

Would you like to grant the deepest wishes of someone close to you? That's always a nice thing to consider, but you should probably check to see what kinds of dreams they are having before you dive into making them real. Some folks have some pretty dramatic dreams that you might want to know more about first!
Take Wes Craven, for example. He had some pretty crazy dreams that he brought to life for people in 1984 with the beginning of the Nightmare on Elm Street series. The idea for Freddy started out with a pretty sad tale but has gone to inspire the mystery and terror of what lays hidden in the most frightening of our dreams.
It's time to bring Freddy Krueger out of the dreamscape and into your party with our collection of Nightmare on Elm Street costumes.
Now, you might be asking if we have costumes for Nancy Thompson. Maybe for the flirtatious kids that made up so many of Freddy's victims. How about the townsfolk that caused Freddy's mysterious malformation. You can certainly look at our 80s and 50s costumes to put those characters together... but the horror dreamscape is all about the master of nightmares, himself, Freddy Kreuger.
There are four major factors that bring your Freddy to life.
First, you have to look at his sense of style. The Dream Master dresses in a striped sweater. Red and green are usually associated with rather jolly holidays, but that's why Freddy's sweater is just a bit darker. It's seen some rough days, folks! You'll have a few different styles of Freddy Kreuger sweaters available for both men and women!
Next is that terrifying metallic claw. Hard to convey a sense of fear if you don't have an iconic weapon that'll do the job for you. Now, you won't be making loud electric explosions as you draw the claws along pipes with our Freddy Krueger gloves. Of course, you can bring about the ear-rending devastation of Freddy Krueger claws against the chalkboard!
You don't want to face the flames the same way that the Springwood Killer did. That's why we have Freddy Krueger masks that will help you transform in a snap. Half and full masks give you the desiccated and monstrous look that Robert Englund sported in his iconic role. Toss in some extra wax or false teeth to really make the folks worry if they've slipped off into nightmare-land!
The final part of any great Freddy Krueger costume is the hat. The wide brim and dark color of the hat manage to sell any look, even though the terrifying murderer is even spookier without it. Maybe that's why it is so critical to start off the night wearing one.
Whether you're a grown guy, a chipper kiddo, a murderous miss, or even a dreaming doggo, we have Freddy Krueger costumes that will bring your Nightmare on Elm Street fun into the waking world. Just make sure that you have that song memorized... because, one, two, Freddy's coming for you!