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Princess Bride Gifts

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Princess Bride Purse
Made By Us
Sale - 28% Exclusive
As You Wish Slippers Adult
Made By Us
Clearance Exclusive
Princess Bride Full Size Backpack
Made By Us
Sale - 50% Exclusive
Princess Bride Sword Fight Slippers Adult
Made By Us
Sale - 25% Exclusive
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All the great moments from the Princess Bride are accounted for in these great gifts! From Westley crossing swords with Inigo on the Cliffs of Insanity to the intense wrestling match with Fezzick and even Princess Buttercup fending off the Rodents of Unusual Size! We have cool stuff based on the movie that’s sure to make any fan’s heart swell with nostalgia.

We carry apparel based on all the main characters, including Princess Bride shirts featuring the Dread Pirate Roberts and the 3 kidnappers. We also have authentic costumes, fully licensed from the movie (and yes, we have Inigo Montoya). We also carry various Princess Buttercup costumes and Westley costumes for all you star-struck lovers who want to cosplay as the popular couple. You can also grab some of our licensed drinkware, including coffee mugs and pint glasses. There’s something for all fans of the classic 80’s movie.