Golden Girls Gifts

When we look back on Golden Girls, it still holds up! Blanche, Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia were all woke before that was even a term. Living together, they talked about issues that no one else on television was talking about. They gave an aging generation hope that there was life worth living after fifty, and pretty hilarious life, too!
If you've spent hours watching The Golden Girls trading barbs, courting gentlemen callers, and getting into hijinks, you know that gifting Golden Girl charm will always be appreciated for birthdays, Christmas, and Galentines Day.
Now, we all have our favorite Golden Girl. Blanche is always charming with her rather self-centered confident debutant ways. Rose keeps us on our toes, balancing her innocent ways with strange surprises like her odd recipes and quirky St. Olaf stories. Dorothy's facial expressions can't be beat and she was always keeping her roommates grounded with a humorous strong hand. And we can never get over how quick-witted and adorable Sophia was! Yes, every one of these girls has her qualities, but they're best when they're together. Now you can represent each and every one of them when you invest in Golden Girl merchandise!
This collection of Golden Girls gifts has wonderful pieces for all sorts of events. Consider, for instance, a birthday sleepover. Everyone can wear their best Golden Girl influenced silky pajama sets, eat cheesecake, and play Golden Girls Clue. An event that'll have you and your friends planning on buying a Florida house to retire in before the night is out, you'll find that the girls are a life-changing influence even after they've been off the air for decades!
We might be biased, but we think there is always a reason to give a little Golden Girl cheer. Sometimes it's a little gift you're looking for. Christmas gift exchanges, Galentines Day gestures, and birthday gestures can be memorable with gifts such as Pop Vinyl figures for each girl, Golden Girls socks, bookmarks, and even a puzzle. And if you're looking for something a little bit bigger, consider getting a Golden Girl shirt like the t-shirt or even the golden-colored sweatshirt featuring all four of the ladies. You might even consider giving the official Golden Girl Game.
Fans of the show can get as weird as they want. Yes, there are standard Pop Vinyls, apparel, and socks. But what about decorating with a Chia pet that celebrates the permed look of your favorite character. Or, you could gift one Chia pet of each character to each of your favorite pals and confidants! And as the gals are famous for sipping coffee and chatting in their matching pajamas around the breakfast table, the Golden Girls pajamas make a lot of sense. Get a matching set for your bestie for those mornings when you two are lounging around, watching reruns.
Have you decided on what kind of Golden Girl gift you want to give the pals and confidants in your life? That's wonderful. May the four be with you!