Greek Costumes

Did you ever wonder what the difference between Roman and Greek mythology might be? It's fair to be a bit confused, since the history of Ancient Greece and Rome have a lot of crossover. Several of the epic heroes were involved in stories claimed by each domain. But, you can look through some of our Greek costumes and find the nuances that will let you call upon the authentic might of everything from the ancient Olympian gods to the epic dramas that were unfolding on stage.
Naturally, we have to talk about the pinnacle of Grecian myth: the gods. With our selection of Greek costumes, you can live out your every wish. (We assume that you're just waiting for a healthy dose of omnipotence, right?) Well, start by looking the part. We have costumes for the most popular of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. If you'd like to feel the power of some serious lightning, you can't go wrong with Zeus. King of the gods and master of the air, this is the guy who commands the whole thing!
Of course, like any good brother, he has to share. Our Poseidon costume provides you with some shimmering leggings that could have been made right from the scales of merfolk. (Of course, Poseidon can take that form when he chooses, so you can even up your game with some of our mermaid accessories.)
Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena all have their own unique looks, too. It may begin with elegant gowns and golden accents, but it is all in the accessories that help you identify which deity you've become. Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, can be recognized by her owl friend and a brilliant circlet or helm of gold. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Beauty and Love. The only thing she loves more than art and wonder is a splash of bright flowery color and long curly locks. Hera is usually all business. That's what you'd expect from the Queen of the Gods! A brilliant red or purple sash marks her might though the Empress style cut of her costume shows that this deity has class!
But, don't feel like you can't enjoy the fun of our Greek costumes if you don't want to accept the responsibility of becoming a god. We have several hero costumes that will have you playing the part of mortals that still became legends. From Hercules and Perseus to numerous other human heroes, you can wear a toga costume and accessorize with some of our Greek weapons to really set the stage for your story.
Bring in some of the monsters to keep your legend alive. Medusa is a mighty being who can turn her enemies to stone with a simple gaze. And, if that fails, she's still got some great aim with her bow and arrow. The Minotaur is a mighty monster that resides within ancient mazes. Whenever some hero thinks they're going to skip their way to victory, he's there ready to send them back to the beginning!
Team up with others to create the whole pantheon or even join with some Roman Gladiators to show that you're ready to take on the whole world!